Monday, November 10, 2008


I just realized this morning that I haven't seen my Obama action figure since early October. It took a long time for me to figure out it was missing-I get that-but still! I never took it off my desk, meaning someone else took it off my desk. Given the school I go to, it is not surprising that someone would take it or move it. Given the fact that I have an archnemesis, it is also not surprising that someone would steal it. However, I am still very upset and ready to bust some heads over this incident. Here is my current plan of action:

Step One. Interrogate the Usual Suspects.

Step Two. Put up a missing poster.

Step Three. Notify the proper authorities and get an email sent out to the entire law school. If girls who lose their eyeglasses or guys who lose their keys get mass emails, so should procrastinating journal members who lose their action figures.

Stay tuned for more updates in the Quest for the Missing Obama.