Sunday, November 02, 2008

Highs, Lows, & Everything in Between

The last two weeks have been bipolar, if weeks can be bipolar. Two weeks ago, I was just arriving in Dublin to visit Lil Hamilton:

I must admit, on Day 1 I didn't have the best of attitudes. When all I wanted to do was sleep off the jetlag, Lil Hamilton and her ND kids dragged me to Newgrange. What's Newgrange, you ask? Excellent question! I asked that question myself, and the only response I got was: "It's older than the pyramids and Stone Henge!" time and time again. I really began to worry when I stole Courtney's guidebook and its best description of Newgrange was: "grassy mounds." Grassy mounds v. sleep time for the girl who just took an overnight flight? I think you can imagine what I wanted to do. Nevertheless, I have to give it to the ND kids, Newgrange was a pretty cool, super old burial site. (NDK - 1, Bagel - 0)

Day 2 involved my first trip to school with the ND kids. These kids are quite crazy - they walk an hour to school everyday (one way), to avoid paying roughly 2 dollars to take the bus. While they were in classes, I was doing work (yes, I had to take journal work on my international vacation - ick!) in the campus library. The rest of the day was time for fun. We visited Dublin Castle and then after the ND kids' night class, we went to a pub called O'Neill's. By this point in the trip, I had come to realize what living abroad on a broke college kid's salary feels like, and I wasn't a fan (despite being a broke law student). So I insisted on buying at least three rounds of drinks... the last two rounds probably because I was too intoxicated to care. "Hi, my name is Bagel, and I like to buy my friends." (NDK - 1, Bagel - 1)

This one's for Lynn. Lil Hamilton taught the ND Kids the concussion/inebriated test!

The rest of my Dublin trip to come tomorrow, and the ickiness of the week after Dublin to come the day after tomorrow. I need to stretch this thing out to meet my 30 in 30! Teasers: whiskey taste testing, a new Spanish friend named Pablo, Shaunak comes to visit, and Bagel comes home to a week full of good ole law school panic attacks.


Ginny said...

I'm glad that the NDK kids have learned something from my drinking expertise :)