Saturday, July 09, 2005

Barnes and Noble beats angina anyday.

2 recent developments on the homefront:

1. I have a new least favorite word. Angina. It sucks. It could be at the top of my list of least favorite words. I would name some of my other least favorite words, but most of them refer to female body parts and it isn't appropriate to list them on a public site.

2. I have a new favorite chair. It's in Barnes and Noble. This chair is amazing - the perfect combination of being big enough to curl up in and soft enough to sink into when you sit in it. And don't give me any crap about spending a Saturday evening in a chair at Barnes and Noble. If you met this chair, you would realize that all of your previous Saturday evenings fall short of the heaven you are experiencing. And then you would join me in my chair-praising cult. And life would be grand for you too.


Anonymous said...

I once found one of those Barnes and Noble chairs--and they were throwing it away (it was out back, next to their dumpster). So, naturally, I accepted it as a free gift for all the books I've purchased there. After some Febreeze work, and a new cover, it became the Coveted Chair in my home. I know what you're talking about. Heaven.