Thursday, October 06, 2005

Quick Update

Not much new here. Angeles and I went to a Vanessa Carlton concert on Tuesday, and while in general, I'm not even that big of a fan, the concert was really really good. First off, it was only an hour and a half, which I appreciated cuz I was tired and had a lot of work - more like a study break than a real concert. Second, the turnout was horrible - again, I also appreciated that because without a doubt, small concerts are more intimate, fun, and enjoyable for me. Third, she's a really amazing performer. She accompanies herself the entire time on piano and she's really amusing to listen to ramble on. So even though both Angeles and I didn't really want to go before the concert started, I'm really glad I did.

Also, I asked a professor yesterday to write a recommendation for me for law school. He wants my resume - no big deal, it needs a few changes, but that'll take five minutes. He also wants my personal when he asks for this nonexistent statement, do i tell him the truth? It doesn't exist? It might never exist? I can't imagine how I'm ever going to write the damn thing? NOPE! of course not! that would be the smart, upfront, authentic, honest thing to do!

Instead, I tell him I'm just finishing it, it's in the editing stage now, he'll have it by Monday. And even while the words were coming out of my mouth, I was already regretting it. My mouth wouldn't shut up while my brain screamed "FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT DAMN MOUTH THINK IT'S DOING TO ME?!?!?!" Currently my brain and mouth still aren't on speaking terms. It's very intense from the neck on up right about now. Peace keeping troops have been called in. I'll let you know how it goes.