Monday, October 24, 2005

Homecoming 2005, Part Deux

So, any of you who saw yesterday's post know I was in a really REALLY depressed mood when I woke up. I took the post down cuz my day picked up a TON from there and because no one ever likes to be reminded of the days when they were depressed.

That's not to say this weekend didn't have a shitty, shitty start, but I'm lucky enough that my friends don't hate me when I get in my funks and always seem to pull me out of em. Brunch w/ Marlene and Tommy was really nice yesterday (MARLO, come back to us!!!! ;>), Mike came over yesterday afternoon and I feel much better about our friendship again and I actually had a lot of fun (ESPECIALLY when Liz busted in the room with a "WHERE'S MY TURKEY?!?!" obviously hoping to interrupt something - I don't know what was funnier... her disappointment that she didn't interrupt anything or her embarassment when she realized Mike *had* brought turkey), and last night after Mike left, Angeles, Liz, and I spent the whole night doing minimal amounts of work and maximum amounts of giggling. I always forget how the three of us will find absolutely nothing and everything at the same time hilarious for no reason other than we need to laugh.

"Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion."
-Steel Magnolias-