Thursday, July 26, 2007

Republican Fundraiser or Disgusting Inculcation of Militant Values?

On behalf of Big Colle, I am giving everyone an advance warning that this entry is bound to be one of my offensively liberal pieces. Reader, beware.

This morning I heard a piece on NPR about a Republican fundraiser in Manchester, NH. Excited & nostalgic though I was to hear the upcoming NH primary season metioned, I couldn't help but be appalled when I heard the focus of this fundraiser: a machine gun shoot. Apparently, for 25 bucks a person, you can shoot a machine gun that is standard military issue. Even kids get to join in the fun, which promoters (according to NPR) were touting as a "family event." Now, I'm no dummy; I know NPR is totally left-biased, so I decided to research the event more when I got to work to see if it was for real.

Contrary to what NPR made it sound like, this is not as part of the Republican presidential race but is just for the local Republican party. But still, I couldn't help but think of what an easy time I'd have turning this event into a really sick and twisted depiction of how brutal and militaristic our society is. Imagine, mom, dad, grandma and grandpa bringing out the kids for a fun day in the park where instead of swinging or playing with other children, they learn how to fire automatic weapons! I feel really sick just thinking about it. Gun control is not an issue I feel particularly passionate about, but this summer, I've seen some truly sick depictions of guns in everyday life (including the day that I was looking out the window of our house to see one of the neighbors tromping through our back yard carrying his pride and joy: a shotgun, to show the neighbors. We have a flipping baby in the house, and there were at least 3 kids in the surrounding yards all under the age of 5. I'm not particularly passionate about gun control but I AM passionate about keeping guns away from kids.

Then, to add to the brilliance of the whole event, there was this comment posted by a JUDGE about the event:

This will be a great event for the whole family. Gun's are what keeps this great country free. So I encourage all freedom loving Americans to attend this event. and I find it unfortunate that Chris Pappas does not my support my personal freedoms even though I support his.
- Hon. Robert A. Burns, Manchester NH

I'm sorry, but guns don't equal freedom. Guns equal FORCE. Freedom comes when you don't have to use guns to force your way of life or point of view on others. I'm not saying that guns aren't necessary at times, nor am I saying that we shouldn't be free to own guns, but seriously?!?!