Sunday, September 24, 2006


I went jogging around the lake today and part way around I saw a guy walking in what looked like a black or brown cloak. The immediate memory this brings back to me are the weird kids at Dartmouth who would wear dungeons and dragons type cloaks freshman year. The kind that were in Phi Tau, and not like likely to get laid anytime soon.

The closer I got to this cloaked figure however, the more I realized he wasn't the dungeons and dragons type. Rather he was a seminarian (one of the guys here to study to enter the priesthood). The funny thing about it was that the robes were likely going to keep him from getting laid anytime soon as well.

What's the deal with robes and celibacy?


Anonymous said...

Well, it's a lot harder to whip it out with a whole robe in the way and not just a zipper, for starters. Then there's the small matter of not being able to show off your sexy hairy legs to all the ladies. I mean, I don't know about you, but for me there's nothing like hair on a leg to get me excited. Then there's the social aspect: no one in a robe can be out in public cavorting with the ladies, because everyone knows he's a loser or a priest.

In the end, though, a nice big robe is a good way to hide little boys. It's also helpful if you want to cavort with a lady in the woods and need something to rest upon.

That's what I think.

...who is ill and maybe delirious.