Thursday, April 09, 2009

A Collage of My Weekend Plans

One of the few things I'll miss about Catholic school next year is that we get a four-day weekend for Easter. Lil' Hamilton, Big Colle, and I have big plans for this treat, even though none of us intends to celebrate Easter in the traditional sense (unless you include the Holy Water - see below). This is what I expect to do this weekend (to be followed up on Monday with pictures of what actually happened)

Step One: Hop on the South Shore Line with Lil Hamilton.

Step Two: Get off the South Shore Line in my favorite town.

Step Three: Borrow a condo in this building.

Step Four: Take Lil Hamilton to see the Dolphin Show at the Shedd Aquarium.

Step Five: Take Lil Hamilton for her first experience with Holy Water at Timothy O'Tooles. (I can't find a picture of the Holy Water I mean. For a better idea of what it entails, think of a Long Island Ice Tea, add 7 more liquors and three kinds of juices. Stir until it tastes like grapefruit juice. Enjoy!)

Step Six: Pick up Big Colle!

Step Seven: Maybe rally, maybe crash depending on the mood of this chica...

Step Eight: The Art Institute - never been there! Can't wait to see the Chagalls!!!

Step Nine: I'm crossing my fingers for the tapas bar on Halstead. Remains to be seen. I won't jinx my luck with a picture.

Step Ten: The purpose for the trip... *drumroll, please!* Taking Lil Hamilton to see Rent for her birthday! Though as it turns out, Big Colle is the only one who hasn't seen this show live already.

Step Eleven: Board the South Shore Line. Leave my favorite town. :(

Step Twelve: Go to the B&B to visit the Padre. Despite the fact that Big Colle, Lil Hamilton, and I don't celebrate Easter, the Padre's fiance is quite the crafty lady (she has to be to run a B&B!). I'm secretly hoping (as secretly as one can hope on a public blog) that she'll have an Easter egg hunt for us. I don't care if we range in age from 21-30. (Don't tell Big Colle I published her age.) We still would do a pretty kick-ass job at an Easter Egg Hunt. *crossing fingers*



Ginny said...

You forgot Step 13: Come back to Fischer Grad and see your roommate who you've missed desperately for 4 days! (and exchange saucy details about your trips)