Monday, July 21, 2008

Love is...

...putting your schnookums on your credit card...?

I met the infamous Mr. SF* yesterday. And although it was a bit of a shock to discover he's not a liberal (*gasp, choke!*), we recovered nicely. Although my vote doesn't count for much, I always have to voice it and this time I s'pose I'll give him a 1.5 thumbs up. (If you're reading this, Mr. SF, you can buy yourself another half of a thumb by either joining the forces of good (read: Democrats) or adding a Baby SF to the family.)

*For those who don't know, Mr. SF is my sister's semi-regular boy toy. ;) And by semi-regular, I mean they are shopping around for things like this:


Anonymous said...

I ain't no schnookums. I ain't no man's schnookums.



Ginny said...

So does this mean you're going to be putting my picture on your credit card? Because as sweet as that is, I think the rumor mill may run wild with that one :)

Anonymous said...

I think I threw up in my mouth a little...