Monday, May 07, 2007

Half-way there

2 exams down, 2 to go.

Honestly, damned if I know how I did. I wrote a ton, and thought I was getting stuff right, and I didn't panic because I didn't know anything, but in the end, I'm just not at all sure I got the right stuff. Civil Procedure was much better than Constitutional Law - I really felt confident about myself coming out of that exam until I had to hear 2 days of people complaining about how hard it was. Then I remembered the valuable lesson from last semester that I had just completely disregarded - do NOT talk to law students about how they did about an exam or how they feel about an upcoming exam. It'll only make you panic.

So now i'm in the library, about to start in on the dreaded property. This exam will either be ridiculously easy or ridiculously hard - I'm pretty sure there'll be no in between. But come this time Friday, I'll be done! YAY!


Anonymous said...

Go Bagel! Don't forget it's all empty and meaningless. ;) And what happened to getting a feel for your flair???


Anonymous said...

YES - and then you will get to be home with me and my hole in the bed...

Speaking of holes - Saturday Night Live did a 'Best of' show, and mom watched the dick in a box song. We giggled over it for a long while...
