Monday, December 12, 2005

sisters are tools.

(but thanks, michelle, you were the best sister ever over thanksgiving. ;>)

had the best weekend EVER! or at least since Thanksgiving. i don't remember the last time i stayed in bed till noon and did absolutely nothing but had such a good time.

but, word of caution, Syriana is a baaaaad movie. I thought it was going to be good, and then i couldn't keep my eyes open during the first half hour. then a kid dies and that woke me up. for the rest of the movie, i was convinced that i had fallen asleep during that first half hour because even though i was pretty sure i had been awake, the movie was so damn confusing. turns out i didn't fall asleep and mike had no bloody clue what happened either even though he was awake for all of it.

other than that, the weekend was worth all of the drama that went into it beforehand.


Elissa Yost said...

what were you doing in bed all day? ;) Love ya, Lissa