Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Double Standards

(Offensively political. You've been warned.)

This Sarah Palin lipstick comment has me furious! I first read about the story in class this morning: apparently Obama made a comment about McCain's policies and said they are the same old stuff from Bush packaged in a new way. The comment was "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

All of the sudden McCain's campaign FLIPS OUT! They were demanding an apology from Obama because they say he was clearly offending Sarah Palin and being sexist. Sarah Palin said in her Convention speech that the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom is the lipstick. Based on this lipstick connection, McCain's campaign said that Obama was clearly calling Palin a pig.

Take a look below: This is Senator McCain. He is talking about Hillary Clinton's health care plan. He is accusing it of being the same policy she had when Bill was president. Check out how he refers to the policy: (it's right around second 25)

Why the HELL is it okay to refer to Hillary's policy using pig euphamisms but all of the sudden when you refer to McCain's policy with the EXACT same phrase that McCain himself used, all of the sudden it is sexist against Sarah Palin?!?!?!? Not to mention that when someone outright called Hillary Clinton a bitch to McCain's face, he laughed! No, John McCain. You do not get to pretend to be the protector of women everywhere when you allow this to go on:

Go ahead, try and tell me there aren't double standards in this election.