Saturday, May 02, 2009

It's like that.

Big Colle once went to a concert where the group did "One Week," by Barenaked Ladies, a capella. The lead singer introduced the song by saying that it's a lot like sex... You spend days, weeks, months, maybe even years preparing and perfecting your art.

And then it's over in less than 5 minutes.

Something about my final this morning reminds me of that story. Maybe I haven't spent years on this class, and maybe I haven't even spent all the months that I should have on it, but at the very least, I've spent over 8 hours a day for the last week in a windowless room with the Dartmouth Hater preparing. I know I'll show up for the exam, get my blood pressure worked into quite the frenzy, stick my ear plugs in (NECESSITY), start working furiously and not stop for the next three hours. And when it's all said and done, I'll black out the experience for the most part and just hope to hell it went okay.

Almost like sex. ;)