Monday, February 20, 2006

Fourth of July in Hanover

I'm sooo tired right now. Cuz I got ridiculously enthused this morning. And I used up all of my energy, adrenaline, and backup reserves for like a week.... So rather than tell the story again, here's a copy of the blitz that I sent out to a few friends:

holy crap, i just got the best news of my whole entire life!!!!

so my sister sent me an email telling me i had to call her at work cuz it was an emergency. Turns out that her emergency is just that she wants to tell me that she hates me and I'm spoiled cuz she got an email over the weekend and now i have 8 more cousins and another aunt and uncle coming to graduation - making the total number of people coming thus far 28. (that's if everyone who says they're coming comes, but at the very least, the number will be 21 for sure). OH MY FUCKING LORD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM!!!! Angeles & Paige, you know how excited I get for the fourth of july every year?!?! Well, this is the fourth of fucking july in fucking hanover!!!! This is the best day of my life!!!

so yeah, i'm kind of a family nut....just a tad. and yeah, i get really excited by these things... Miss Kitty thinks I might need to go on tranquillizers....


Michelle said...


But I did say you were spoiled. This isn't news to anyone who knows you. :)

Elissa Yost said...

Yes...I do remember the Field Day video...YUCK!
Yep everything has basically gotten are the greatest for wanting to cheer me up!