Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Horoscope v. Reality

So classes have been in swing for three weeks now, and I thought I'd give a quick run down on my life. (Yes, I'm a vapid narcissist, I know, but maybe somebody out there is interested. ;) And if not, then you shouldn't be reading blogs anyway - cuz they are clearly the haven of card-carrying vapid narcissists.) But to make things more interesting, I thought I'd take my horoscope and comment on how accurately it does/does not mesh with Bagel-reality.

Something small catches your eye on Monday or Tuesday and gets you thinking about friends or family. It's a good time to repair relationships that have been unraveling for a while.
I think I call this the Hank the Tank shout out. He's tiny and ever since he came around, Courtney seems to pop up more and more, as well as rando other law school friends who we rarely see at our place. We didn't do anything all weekend but play with the bunny, which was very rewarding until we realized how poorly Hank is taking to litter training. Definitely got peed on this weekend all over my shoulders.

Watch out for a rebound later in the week, though, as unintended consequences pile up and require extra attention. You can handle them as long as you set aside the time.
Word on the street is that 2L year is the bitch of a year as far as being really, really busy. And so far, that's pretty dead on. In the first 3 weeks, I've had 4 different training sessions for my law journal, 13 on campus interviews with 3 left to go before callbacks start, classes and whatnot. I'm already behind in reading, but I think that's mostly cuz I'm still trying to stick to the anal-retentive 1L reading practices which are just barely feasible anymore. So this weekend is catchup time!

The weekend brings good emotional energy, but you may encounter opportunities that are too good to be true. Be wary and trust your intuition to guide you in the right direction.
No clue what this means, but it sounds like this weekend I might have to resort to my tried and trued "I am not a whore!" mantra.


Michelle said...

Well, it looks like you've missed the true meaning to your horoscope...oh're online.